Today we bring you a somewhat different blog than the ones we are used to. We are not very enthusiastic when it comes to making lists or classifications, but these places in the province of Malaga well deserved it, and so, we are going to do it. We are going to tell you about 2 towns, cities and places; their order is merely functional and not by value. All hold each other in the same esteem, for each one with its own peculiarities and corners, as well as being unknown, will make a pleasant impression on you. Nerja Nerja being the easternmost municipality in theRead More →

Hoy os traemos un blog algo diferente a los que os tenemos acostumbrados. No somos muy entusiastas cuando de hacer listas o clasificaciones se trata, pero estos lugares de la provincia de Málaga bien lo merecían, y así, lo vamos a hacer. Os vamos a hablar de 2 pueblos, ciudades y lugares; el orden de los mismos es meramente funcional y no por su valor. Ténganse todos en la misma estima, pues cada uno con sus particularidades y rincones bellos, a la par que desconocidos, causaran en vosotros una grata impresión. Nerja Nerja siendo el municipio mas oriental de la provincia de Málaga, sorprende gratamenteRead More →

Este año 2020, no es un años más, es un año diferente, en él cual muchas cosas han cambiado y muchas están por cambiar. Y las vacaciones, esos días de paz, sol, chiringuito y playa  no van a ser ninguna excepción. Este año nos ha golpeado a todos con dureza, pero entre todos volveremos a la normalidad, o a la «nueva normalidad». A estas alturas creo y lo digo sin temor a equivocarme que todos queremos volver, ya sea a la «nueva normalidad» o a nuestra normalidad; La de toda la vida. La de montar los Domingos con la «grupetta» y luego ir a tomarRead More →

MALAGA The very Hospital * City of Malaga known internationally for its sun and beach tourism offers more than 300 sunny days annually, which together with its infrastructure and the hospitality of its people make it ideal for cycling. Cradle of illustrious and intellectuals such as the painter Pablo Piccaso or the actor Antonio Banderas. Malaga or Malaka as its first settlers called it, the Phoenicians, back in the 8th century BC. C. is one of the oldest cities and history in Europe. The perfect symbiosis between the coast and the mountains, make Malaga a perfect place for your next cycling holiday. WHY MALAGA? MalagaRead More →

MÁLAGA La muy Hospitalaria* Ciudad de Málaga conocida internacionalmente por su turismo de sol y playa ofrece mas de 300 días de sol anualmente, lo cual junto con sus infraestructuras y la hospitalidad de su gente la hacen ideal para la práctica del ciclismo. Cuna de ilustres e intelectuales tales como el pintor Pablo Piccaso o el actor Antonio Banderas. Málaga o Malaka como la llamaban sus primeros pobladores, los fenicios, allá por el Siglo VIII a. C. es una de las ciudades con mas antigüedad e historia de Europa. La perfecta simbiosis entre la costa y la montaña, hacen de Málaga un lugar perfectoRead More →

Today we would like to show a different way to know our city’s history. Fuengirola founded by the Phoenicians, Romans, Byzantines, Visigoths and Arabs passed through Fuengirola, among other towns, until its definitive incorporation into the Crown of Castile in 1485. It slowed its development due to the intense piracy suffered by the area for centuries, it became a municipality after segregating from Mijas in 1841, still being a small fishing village. In this tour, we will show you the most iconic places of Fuengirola like the Sohail castle or the Roman ruins. We will explain to you the history of our city and weRead More →

In this blog we will tell you about the «Rise to the Repeater.» Known for all cyclists in the area and not so much for the thousands of cyclists that visit to us every year. Over time this climb has become one of the most iconic in the area of ​​the Málaga coast. Some like to call this increase «Antennas» others «Repeater». But as we like to say in spanish «we like to call things by their name; to the bread bread and wine wine». This rise offers several variants to access it: Benalmádena from the A-368, the busiest by local cyclists for their gentleRead More →

En este blog vamos a hablaros de la «Subida al Repetidor». Conocida por todos los ciclistas de la zona y no tanto por los miles de ciclistas que nos visitan al año. Con el paso del tiempo esta subida se ha convertido en una de las mas iconicas en la zona del litoral malagueño. A algunos les gusta llamar a esta subida «Las Antenas» a otros «El Repetidor». A nosotros nos gusta llamar las cosas por su nombre; al pan pan y al vino vino. Dicha subida nos ofrece varías variantes para acceder a ella: Desde Benalmádena por la A-368, la más transitada por losRead More →

Today we are going to talk about a tour that can show us several faces according to the seasons of the year. This tour is recommended to do it in Spring or Autumn, due to the temperatures, which should not be as extreme as in winter and summer. We must bear in mind that during the whole tour we are in a valley where temperatures are more accentuated. In the change of season from spring to summer, one of the most beautiful blooms, the flowering of the chestnut tree, occurs. Between the months of May and June to be more exact is when said floweringRead More →